The intermod product calculator programs that one finds today generally just do brute-force number crunching. They generate huge imposing looking lists of possible intermod products for a technician to investigate. Though this much is helpful, the technician gets little other assistance from the program. He or She is left only with a pencil to eliminate possibilities from the list. And the technician needs to provide the pencil!
The results are clouded with repetitions of the same calculation, both within and across orders. Clouded with results that trouble shooting has already eliminated as possible. And not presented in a way which helps the technician identify the most likely offending transmitters.
PRFIntermod is designed to provide that extra assistance. Repeated results are eliminated, Phantom results that repeat across orders are eliminated, the results are filterable to remove the impossible, or to force inclusion of the proven. And everything is summarized in a way that allows the technician to determine which transmitters are the most likely offenders.
With the ability to save an intermod study to disk, PRFIntermod becomes a field service tool that provides the technician a lot of help with the practical trouble shooting process. Complementing his or her expertise and helping to narrow the field of possibilities.